Black metal, can you stop being racist please

Black metal is the objectively the silliest subgenre of metal, but also the one that takes itself most seriously. For those of you who don’t share metallers’ obsessive love of splitting hairs over genre, black metal is broadly similar to death metal, but if death metal often feels very ‘dense’ and heavy, black metal is … Continue reading Black metal, can you stop being racist please

Some good episodes of The Simpsons (part 1)

‘The Simpsons’ is, pretty much indisputably, the best TV show ever. Given how consistently brilliant the show was throughout almost all its run*, many ‘average’ episodes of the show are still full of solid gold. To that end, here is part one of an occasional series on really, really good Simpsons episodes that don’t tend … Continue reading Some good episodes of The Simpsons (part 1)

Books that are good: Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio

  My favourite thing about the Penguin Classics series is that they can introduce you to books that are genuine classics of world literature that you would otherwise never have heard of. Alongside their editions of Dickens, Dostoevsky and Flaubert are things like the stories of Japanese Modernist Ryunoske Akutagawa, the ancient Indian collection of fables … Continue reading Books that are good: Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio

Ancient Indian spaceships and black Egyptians: how not to destroy colonialism

I recently wrote about the ‘ancient astronaut’ hypothesis. This post is a sort of follow-up to that looking at how other types of pseudohistory also (maybe inadvertently) reinforce the very ideological points they claim to be arguing against – in this case, colonialism. (This post came out a lot longer than I'd thought, so consider … Continue reading Ancient Indian spaceships and black Egyptians: how not to destroy colonialism

Things can only get better: ancient astronauts and progress

One of the more popular ‘paranormal conspiracy theories’ – if we can call it that – is the ‘ancient astronauts’ idea. This is the suggestion that aliens visited Earth at some point in the past, and affected human society in some major way. The 'evidence' put forward most frequently for this is the idea that … Continue reading Things can only get better: ancient astronauts and progress